2011年12月29日 星期四

My 2011 Top 20 Singles

My 2011 Top 20 Singles

01. Beth Ditto - I Wrote The Book
02. Lana Del Rey - Video Games
03. Adele - Someone Like You
04. Lykke Li - Sadness is A Blessing
05. Bon Iver - Calgary
06. Bjork - Virus
07. Florence + the Machine - Shake It Out
08. Woodkid - Iron
09. Gil Scott-Heron And Jamie XX- I'll Take Care of You
10. Lights - Banner
11. Lady Gaga - Scheiße
12. Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend
13. Bag Raiders Feat. Dan Black - Sunlight
14. Alex Winston - Don't Care About Anything
15. Birdy - Skinny Love
16. Penguin Prison - Fair Warning
17. Little Boots - Shake
18. Tracey Thorn - You Are A Lover (Clock Opera Remix)
19. Niki & The Dove - Mother Protect
20. Foster The People - Helena Beat

[Track of The Day] Foster the People / Waste

這種冷天休假時總捨不得離開被窩,常常一睡就到下午3,4點,起床時忍不注對自己發脾氣...2011年倒數幾天了,如果睡覺是一種罪,Just let me be the sinner...

Foster the People - Waste

I'll hold your hand when you are feelin' mad at me
When the monsters they won't go
And your windows won't close
I'll pretend to see what you see

How long I say how long
Will you relive the things that are gone
Oh yeah the devil's on your back
But I know you can shake him off

And every day that you want to waste
That you want to waste, You can
And every day that you want to wake up
And you want to wake, You can
And every day that you want to change
That you want to change, Yeah
I'll help you see it through
'Cause I just really wanna be with you

You know it's funny how freedom
Can make us feel contained
When the muscles in our legs aren't used to all the walkin'

I know if you could snap both your fingers
Then you'd escape with me
But in the meantime I'll just wait here and listen to you when you speak
Or scream

And every day that you want to waste
That you want to waste, You can
And every day that you want to wake up
And you want to wake, You can
And every day that you want to change
That you want to change, Yeah
I'll help you see it through
'Cause I just really wanna be with you

The truth cuts us
And pulls us back up
And separates the things that look the same
But you can fight it off
You can fight it off, You can

And every day that you want to waste
That you want to waste, You can
And every day that you want to wake up
And you want to wake, You can
And every day that you want to change
That you want to change, Yeah
I'll help you see it through
'Cause I just really wanna be with you

2011年12月27日 星期二

Lana Del Rey - Off to The Races/ Yayo

Lana Del Rey即將在1/30發行的新專輯"Born To Die"本週再釋出新曲兩首,"Off To The Races"和"Yayo"。

"Off To The Races"應該是Lana Del Rey第一首重節奏快歌,她的唱腔隨著跳躍式的編曲時而挑逗時而bitchy,最後還以高雅的絃樂收尾,相當不按牌理出牌;這首歌的音樂影像也非常有趣,由一連串舊電影裡女兵/女殺手的片段剪輯而成,十足的Bad Girl attitude!! "Yayo"又是一首灰暗的ballad,Lana Del Rey天賦的killer嗓音發揮得淋漓盡致,對她而言唱歌真的像呼吸一般不費吹灰...

2011年12月21日 星期三

My Top Albums for 2011

My Top 10 Album for 2011

01. Beth Ditto/ Beth Ditto EP

02. Lykke Li/ Wounded Rhymes

03. Florence + the Machine/ Ceremonials

04. Bon Iver/ Bon Iver, Bon Iver

05. James Blake/ James Blake

06. Foster the People/ Torches

07. Bjork/ Biophilia

08. Niki and the Dove/ The Drummer EP

09. Jamie Woon/ Mirrorwriting

10. Lady Gaga/ Born This Way

2011年12月15日 星期四

Lana Del Rey - Born To Die (Video)

Lana Del Rey首支officail (砸錢?)的Music Video終於出現!!!

這支遠赴法國拍攝的錄影帶由Lana Del Rey好友Woodkid執導,巴洛克式的場景與光影的絕妙組合可以看出導演功力不凡!!! W說Lana Del Rey高傲的表情,和王座兩旁的老虎真是太搭;我說最後淌血的那一幕也太美了吧!!!

2011年11月25日 星期五

Lana Del Rey - Video Games (Live on Inas Nacht)

一直有個矛盾的習慣,遇上了非常喜歡的歌,我會刻意壓抑想聽的衝動,深怕聽太多次會磨掉最初聆聽時的感觸,但Lana Del Rey的Video Games是個徹底的例外,起床刷牙時我聽,交通路途中也聽,甚至在洗手間也會不自覺哼上兩句,每當Lana Del Rey的歌聲伴著鋼琴流瀉出來,心裡都覺得一片平靜,某種程度來說Video Games可說是我近期壞情緒的出口。

日前Lana Del Rey造訪德國現場演唱了這首成名曲,有別於錄音室版的豎琴滿天飛,Live版留下低迴的鋼琴伴奏,加入簡單的合成音效,卻遠比錄音室版本更加深入人心,一不小心眼淚都快被逼出來了...我很喜歡現在的Lana Del Rey,帶著素人的靦腆,卻又散發遮掩不住的鋒芒,這種in-between的氣質,在她徹底大紅以後可能就不復見吧...

2011年10月20日 星期四

[Track of The Day] Tracey Thorn - Night Time (The XX Cover)

"Night Time"原本就是The XX首張專輯中我最愛的曲目之一,現在Tracey Thorn又來搗亂,與昔日Everything But The Girl舊搭檔Ben Watt重組帶來全新翻唱,結果好了,兩個版本我都太喜歡了無法抉擇,現在怎麼辦阿!?


Q: Tracey Thorn為何翻唱The XX"Night Time"?

A: 2010年夏天The XX有意推出一張群星翻唱The XX的合輯,並找上Tracey ThornBen Watt"Night Time"砲製Everything But The Girl版的全新Remake,後來合輯發行計畫胎死腹中,cover版的"Night Time"也隨之塵封,直到近日Tracey Thorn整理了這兩年來的B-SidesRemixes,推出了'Extended Plays 2010-2011'Everything But The Girl版的"Night Time"得以重見天日...


The XX - Night Time (Alex Justino & Danke Remix) by Alex Justino

2011年10月19日 星期三

Lana Del Rey - Video Games (Remixes)

Lana Del Rey的"Video Games"迅速成為各大bloggers(還有我!)的心頭好之後,混音版本隨即接踵而來,so far釋出的3個混音版本都各具特色也很有格調,我相當喜歡。

Lana Del Rey - Video Games (BALAM ACAB Remix)

來自Balam Acab的混音,Lana Del Rey特地錄製了全新的vocal,彷彿噴著乾冰的電氣氛圍,幾乎和我夢想中的Gold Panda Remix相去不遠了,絕美!!!

Lana Del Rey - Video Games - Jamie Woon Remix

Dubstep紅人Jamie Woon砲製的Remix版本,不但很不Dubstep還有點Timbaland的調調,配上Lana Del Rey的嗓音莫名讓我想起了Aaliyah...

相當classy的House Remix!!!

2011年10月12日 星期三

女神降臨Lana Del Rey!!!

對Lana Del Rey的第一眼印象,只好奇這位小姐是玻尿酸(豐唇)打太多嗎? 直到點開youtube聽了這首"Video Games",她的歌聲伴著豎琴緩緩流瀉而出時,我才如遭電擊一般,驚覺自己真是小看了這位bloggers的新寵...

Lana Del Rey無疑是繼Florence Welch之後最讓人驚豔的強大vocal,事實上初聽這首"Video Games"時,Florence也不時浮上我的腦海(也可能是豎琴的關係),相較之下Lana Del Rey少了Florence的空靈,但多了一點Billie Holiday的retro情懷...

首張EP很不大氣地只有兩曲,但光是Video Games我想就夠我repeat一整個月了,我夢想著能來個Gold Panda的混音,帶著雜訊的電氣緩拍配上她慵懶的vocal,光想都覺得實在太搭了!!!

2011年8月1日 星期一

Ellie Goulding - Your Song (David Dann Remix)

無聊逛blogs時發現了這個dreamy house remix!!!

Ellie Goulding - Your Song ( David Dann Remix ) - FREE DOWNLOAD!! by KFranco

2011年7月28日 星期四

Robyn Live at LoveBox!

英國的Durex 7月中在倫敦舉辦了一場非常過份的LoveBox音樂節,過份之處在於它的拼盤陣容,electro掛的你能想到的通通來了,Robyn/Kelis/Beth Ditto/Scissor Sisters/Monarchy/Lykki Li/Bag Raiders/Katy B/Grum...好了,我不想打了!


Dancing On My Own

Hang With Me

Be Mine (Remix)

With Every Heartbeat

The Girl And The Robot


Beth Ditto Live

不小心又發現了一些Beth Ditto的Live Clips,原來Beth在歐陸持續都有巡迴演出,光是7月就飛了莫斯科,法國Belfort和倫敦參加多場拼盤演唱會,而且都選唱了Madonna的"Vogue",同名EP若有機會改版不是很應該收錄一下嗎? (OS: 或乾脆出一張LP)

Vogue (Live at Moscow Miller Party)
Madonna的名曲一出,全場立即嗨到爆炸,Beth Ditto甚至嗨到只穿胸罩內褲出場,十足女王風範。而除了Beth Ditto,這個Moscow Miller Party還邀來了Fischerspooner和Hot Chip同台演出,相較之下台灣的party真是無趣的多,每年不是Armin Van Buuren就是Paul Van Dyk,膩死了!!!

Do You Need Someone (Live at Eurockeennes de Belfort)
法國這場拼盤concert排場就大的多,Beth Ditto不愧被bloggers封為新一代"Queen of Electro",電氣橫流的現場演出,光在電腦前收看就已頭皮發麻...這首歌曲的Live版應該是第一次聽到,演唱之前,DJ興致一來還耍了觀眾,相當幽默!!

Medley (Live at Eurockeennes de Belfort)
[Do You Need Someone/ Cruel Intentions/ I Wrote The Book/ Don't Stop The Music (Rihanna Cover)/ Vogue]

2011年7月27日 星期三

Robyn - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall (Coldplay Cover)

Robyn did it again, every one!!!

這次是Coldplay大獲好評的新曲"Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall"。Chris Martin創作了不凡的詞曲,Coldplay版本挾著風暴式的電吉他襲捲而來,賦予這首歌曲大氣的epic格局;Robyn則再度以舞曲發聲,迷濛的電氣氛圍搭襯著甜膩的嗓音,完美地將這首英搖歌曲脫胎換骨...

這種堪稱天才的女歌手,竟然忙著在幫Katy Perry唱開場,世界哪來的天理啊?

2011年7月26日 星期二

In memory of Amy Winehouse

(Photo: Amy Winehouse by Hedi Slimane)

Amy Winehouse 走了以後,facebook上突然冒出一堆緬懷她的“fans”,清一色不是轉貼“Rehab”的音樂錄影帶,就是感嘆她酗酒嗑藥自毀前程,看得我滿腹不是滋味,Amy Winehouse若看到這些留言,想必甚麼Motherfxxxxx都罵出口來

Amy Winehouse當然不只等同於“Rehab”“Back To Black”這張唱片,“Back to Black”儘管拿下了17國排行冠軍與5Grammy,但論及音樂性或是唱功,我覺得她的首張專輯都來得更渾然天成,這張名為“Frank”的唱片,不只名符其實相當坦白,有些歌詞甚至可說賤的可以。

“Stronger Than Me”開場就罵起了她那沒有用的男友,“Always have to comfort you everyday./ But that’s what I need you to do./ Are you gay?”不假修飾的直率讓人真覺可愛;話鋒一轉,“Fuck Me Pumps”又酸起夜店裡的女生,“You can't sit down right/ Cuz your jeans are too tight/And you’re lucky its ladies' night./ With your big empty purse,/ Every week it gets worse,/ At least your breasts cost more than hers.”歌詞賤地讓人發噱

拿開歌詞本,Amy Winehouse在首張專輯裡的vocal表現也是一大亮點。白人唱Jazz唱Soul的很多,但能信手拈來,且黑的渾然天成的,除了Amy Winehouse沒有幾個。“You Sent Me Flying”歌詞提及的Erykah Badu顯然是Amy靈騷音樂的啟發,雖然與 “Baduizm”Neo-Soul曲風路數不同,但專輯中很多中低音確實都讓我聯想到了Erykah Badu。取樣了Nas “Made You Look”“In My Bed”應當是全輯最黑的曲目,狠勁十足的Hip-hop節奏之下卻鋪陳了非常Jazzyinstrumentsadlibs,曲末有如女神一般的飆唱堪稱絕美。

專輯倒數第2首的“Help Youself”是我很喜歡的一首,jazzyR&B節奏帶著一抹Bassa Nova的愜意。“I can’t help you, If you don’t help yourself”現在聽來也許有些諷刺,但也許這是Amy Winehouse自己想要的結束方式她走的突然,對我而言卻不留遺憾,因為在我心目中她早已留下timeless的經典。

[Flashback] Amy Winehouse/ Fuck Me Pumps

Fuck Me Pumps

When you walk in the bar,當你走進酒吧
And you dressed like a star,

Rockin' your F- me pumps.晃著那雙說著"上我吧"的高跟鞋
And the men notice you,

With your Gucci bag crew,還有你那群背著Gucci的姊妹

Can't tell who he's lookin' to.分不清他看的究竟是誰
Cuz you all look the same,

Everyone knows your name,大家都知道你們的名字
And that's you whole claim to fame.

Never miss a night,
Cuz your dream in life,
Is to be a footballer's wife.

You don't like players,
That's what you say-a,
But you really wouldn't mind a millionaire.

You don't like ballers,
They don't do nothing for ya,
But you'd love a rich man six foot two or taller.

You're more than a fan,
Lookin' for a man,
But you end up with one-nights-stands.

He could be your whole life,
If you got past one night,
But that part never goes right.

In the morning you're vexed,
He's onto the next,
And you didn't even get no taste.

Don't be too upset,
If they call you a skank,
Cuz like the news everyday you get pressed.

You don't like players,
That's what you say-a,
But you really wouldn't mind a millionaire.

You don't like ballers,
They don't do nothing for ya,
But you'd love a rich man six foot two or taller.

You can't sit down right,
Cuz you jeans are too tight,
And your lucky its ladies night.

With your big empty purse,
Every week it gets worse,
At least your breasts cost more than hers.

So you did Miami,
Cuz you got there for free,
But somehow you missed the plane.

You did too much E,
Met somebody,
And spent the night getting cane.

Without girls like you,
There'd be no fun,
We'd go to the club and not see anyone.

Without girls like you,
There's no nightlife,
All those just go home to their wives.

Don't be mad at me,
Cuz your brushing thirty,
And your old tricks no longer work.

You should have known from the job,
That you always get dumped,
So dust off your fuck me pumps.

2011年7月25日 星期一

[Flashback] Texas / Say What You Want

"Huh Huh"一聲之後,

2011年6月8日 星期三

Kanye West - Monster (Music Video)

不怎麼喜歡Kanye West,但不得不承認他總是屢屢帶來精彩的音樂與影像。

最新單曲"Monster"充斥著可口的時尚活屍,每個場景都處理的既唯美又黑暗,儘管歌名cliche到不行,video倒是讓人捨不得眨眼...Kanye, Jay-Z, Nicki Minaj輪番念著"Everybody knows I'm a motherfxxing monster!"實在是酷勁十足!

Video of The Year is here, everyone!!!

2011年6月2日 星期四

Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend (Music Video)

Robyn最新音樂錄影帶"Call Your Girlfriend"終於釋出拉!!!


這個一鏡到底的video拍攝於LA一處倉庫裡,熟知Robyn的人一定知道solo dance是他巡迴演唱的招牌橋段,這個video很顯然是拍給fans意思意思看爽的而已...

2011年6月1日 星期三

Beth Ditto Live @ Villette Sonique!!!

This is a must-see, every one!!!

Beth Ditto在巴黎的Villette Sonique舉辦了小型的showcase,現場演唱了同名EP裡的"I Wrote The Book"與"Good Night Good Morning" (應該還唱了"Do You Need Someone"可惜找不到clip),"I Wrote The Book"音樂錄影帶的靈感取自於Madonna的至尊金曲"Vogue",Beth Ditto此番索性帶來熱力四射的Live翻唱,不僅全場帶頭唱,中段更來了一聲核爆式的招牌狂吼,你可以想見以她的火力可以引爆全場多大的迴響...


I Wrote The Book (Live)

Good Night Good Morning (Live)

Vogue (Live)

[Track of The Day] Beyoncé/ Best Thing I Never Had

Beyoncé上一張專輯"I am ... Sasha Fierce"製造了很多排行金曲,"If I Were A Boy", "Halo", "Sweet Dreams"等都是一聽便知會大紅的流行單曲,而即將在本月登場的全新專輯"4",除了首波女力主打"Run The World(Girls)"外,流出的兩首歌曲"1+1"和"Best Thing I Never Had"都嗅出濃濃的靈魂味道,在這個時機發片,也許行頭與舞曲不免被拿來與Lady Gaga一較高下,以靈魂唱功作出區隔我覺得是相當聰明的。

第二支單曲Best Thing I Never Had,有blogger認為是sophisticated版的"Irreplaceable",聽來確實像是電台會熱播的菜色,我很喜歡編曲用了Vanessa Carlton式的琴聲與絃樂(A Thousand Mile?),越聽越覺得很具格調的流行音樂...

2011年5月27日 星期五

[Track of The Day] Lady Gaga/ Hair

India Arie有首舊歌叫"I Am Not My Hair",
Lady Gaga反其道而行也來了一首"Hair",
告訴大家"I am my hair",

2011年5月10日 星期二



英漢辭典說是「生物自衛本能」,柯林斯英英辭典指為 “an innate love for the natural world, supposed to be felt universally by humankindWhatever it means,我們只需知道它是Björk今年即將推出的最新專輯,睽違四年,繼神奇寶貝Volta之後


2011年5月9日 星期一

Ellie Goulding/ Heartbeats (Cosmonaut Grechko Edit)


Ellie Goulding在BBC Live Lounge翻唱The Knife的名曲 "Heartbeats"竟然也有混音!

Everything could be so easy breezy!

Ellie Goulding - Heartbeats (Cosmonaut Grechko edit) by Cosmonaut Grechko

2011年5月6日 星期五

[Track of The Day] 盧凱彤/ 雀斑

Oh, I have to put this on.



2011年5月4日 星期三

Frankmusik - Do It In The AM (Video)

Frankmusik最新MV “Do It In The AM”登場!!!

這首堪稱Frankmusik出道以來最芭樂的單曲,feature了以一曲“Like A G6”走紅全球的Far East Movement,聽完首播後便對Frankmusik新專輯徹底不抱期待了,接連兩首單曲(“The Fear Inside”“Do It In The AM”)完全聽不見首張專輯“Complete Me”裡的神采與驚喜,找來自家人Far East Movement扛轎我想是為了打入美國市場,另一方面卻拉低了自己格調,我常好奇作出這種(芭樂)音樂他如何面對Stuart Price(首張專輯製作人)??

光憑他的vocal(和帥臉),新專輯多糟我還是會照單全收,但也許Frankmusik應該思考一下這個stage name背後的意義

2011年4月28日 星期四

Lykke Li - Sadness is A Blessing [Video]

Lykke Li今晚釋出了最新的Music Video,我的愛歌,“Sadness is A Blessing”

我很訝異雀屏中選的不是“Love Out of Lust”,同樣是ballad“Love Out of Lust”既大氣又有靈性,是大眾很容易接受的安全牌。“Sadness is A Blessing”像是少女的日記,時而消極自憐時而自我打氣,矛盾地可愛。

先前合作過”I Follow Rivers”的電影導演Tarik Saleh再次執導了這支最新的音樂錄影帶,瘋癲的有些無厘頭,但十足的Lykke LiLL演技不俗,也許哪天登上大銀幕也不奇怪。

2011年4月26日 星期二

[Track of The Day] The Knife/ Heartbeats (Live)

好久前便聽過這首The Knife的名曲,只是專輯版本當時並未吸引我的注意,某個深夜在Facebook上偶然發現了這個現場版本,忍不住反覆聆聽害我整晚沒睡。

這個Live版來自2006年的“Silent Shout: An Audio Visual Experience” DVD,舞台上兩人帶著招牌面罩,濃濃的80’s氛圍取代了嘻鬧的Synth-Pop節拍,主唱KarinvocalAmbient電氣音場下更顯鬼魅而大氣。

有個粉絲在影片下方發表了他的comment—“This is what ‘falling in love’ sounds like.”,我覺得他形容得相當貼切,很有sense

我也很喜歡Ellie Goulding的版本。雖然Acoustic版本早有José González的成功翻唱(Youtube點擊率竟高達950萬次,比原唱還高!!),但我覺得Ellie Goulding無論音色和詮釋都更勝一籌,況且這首歌詞填得也很有Ellie Goulding的味道。

2011年4月24日 星期日

[Track of The Day] Lykke Li/ Sadness Is A Blessing

“Wounded Rhymes”還在CD Player裡捨不得拿出來,Lykke Li又帶來“Sadness Is A Blessing”的全新混音。

我很喜歡這個來自Gold PandaRemix。電氣緩拍隨著Lykke Li灰濁的嗓音流瀉而出,點綴些許雜訊,少了傷感反而帶點ambient氣味,好適合深夜聆聽。同場加映現場演出的Acoustic版本,拿掉了所有樂器,徒留一把吉他伴著Lykke Li倔強的聲線,間奏還來上一段口哨,教人忍不住想跟著大合唱XD

Lykke Li - Sadness Is A Blessing (Gold Panda Remix) by Pretty Much Amazing

Sadness Is a Blessing (Acoustic) by bongaleng

2011年4月20日 星期三

[Track of The Day] Birdy/ Skinny Love


這首翻唱自Bon Iver”Skinny Love”,第一句歌詞就揪住了我的耳朵,溫潤如Sarah Mclachlan的假音,絲毫聽不出14歲的青澀。試問14歲妳談過幾次戀愛?日漸削瘦的感情又懂多少?憑甚麼把這樣的悲歌唱進每個人的心裡頭?


Skinny Love /Birdy

Come on skinny love just last the year
Pour a little salt we were never here
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer

I tell my love to wreck it all
Cut out all the ropes and let me fall
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Right in the moment this order’s tall

And I told you to be patient
And I told you to be fine
And I told you to be balanced
And I told you to be kind
And in the morning I’ll be with you
But it will be a different “kind”
Cause I’ll be holding all the tickets
And you’ll be owning all the fines

Come on skinny love what happened here
Suckle on the hope in lite brassiere
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Sullen load is full; so slow on the split

And I told you to be patient
And I told you to be fine
And I told you to be balanced
And I told you to be kind
And now all your love is wasted?
Then who the hell was I?
Cause now I’m breaking at the britches
And at the end of all your lines

Who will love you?
Who will fight?
Who will fall far behind?

2011年4月15日 星期五

Robyn on Jimmy Kimmel Live!!!


頂著全新髮型小瓜呆頭,藍色唇膏加超高厚底鞋,Robyn以高規格陣仗登上Jimmy Kimmel Live演唱最新單曲 "Call Your Girlfriend",以及我們最愛的"Dancing On My Own",這首歌即便Live過無數次,即便每次獨舞的橋段都一模一樣,每次聽每次都教人頭皮發麻,此次演出加長了Ending的Outro,別有一種舞廳散場獨自回家的空虛感...


Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend (Sultan & Ned Shepard Club Remix)

感謝神通廣大的bloggersRobyn最新單曲“Call Your Girlfriend”的混音版總算leak出來了!!! 來自Nadia Ali御用混音組Sultan & Ned Shepard操刀的Club Mix果然火力全開,非常來勁!!! Promo裡還收了一個Dubstep的版本,以及(芭樂)浩室王子Kaskade砲製的混音版本。

Keep’em coming, Robyn!!!

Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend (Sultan & Ned Shepard Club Remix) by POPONANDON

2011年4月12日 星期二

[Track of The Day] Erik Hassle - Are You Leaving?

來自瑞典的Erik Hassle去年發表了debut專輯“Pieces”,可能因為長相不是太優(其實我覺得他長的很像瘪四大頭蛋裡的Beavis XD)並未引起太大迴響,但主打單曲“Hurtful”在各大音樂blog仍大獲好評,也是少數我喜愛的男vocal之一

今年Erik Hassle再接再厲推出全新EP “Mariefred Sessions”,與瑞典雙人樂團Kent共同創作了六首歌曲。首波單曲“Are You Leaving?”來勢洶洶電氣隆隆,加上失戀情傷的歌詞,簡直像極男版的“Dancing On My Own (Robyn)”,幾乎no budget製作完成的music video也拍得不俗,交疊錯落的光影完美呈現了歌曲的速度感。

這樣唱就對了! Erik Hassle!!!

2011年3月31日 星期四

Lykke Li - Wounded Rhymes

一個時尚品牌換了設計師可能就會走上截然不同的路線。像Lady Gaga的造型師Nicola Formichetti接手了Thierry Mugler,將這個訂製服起家的垂死老牌,帶往一個陰森鬼怪的Gothic路線,不只讓Mugler成功地浴火重生,也成為近幾個月時尚界最熱的話題之一。倘若Lykke Li是一個品牌,設計師想必也從Phoebe Philo換成了Riccardo Tisci,不到三年時間,昔日那個唱著“Little Bit”sweet girl,現在高唱著“I’m your prostitute. You’re gon get some.” (“Get Some”)…Lykke Li妳到底受了甚麼打擊?

女孩的極速長大,早從Twilight原聲帶裡一曲“Possibility”已可嗅出端倪,專輯還沒推出,首支單曲“Get Some”B-Side又是一首灰暗至極的悲歌“Paris Blue”,可以想見蟄伏的這兩年來Lykke Li不為人知的心路歷程。“Little Bit”“Let It Fall”那種清新甜美的氣息在新作“Wounded Rhymes”裡已不復見,取而代之的是專輯裡大量出現的強烈鼓擊,Lykke Li時而早熟地疾呼“Youth knows no pain!”,時而又像部落女巫般張牙舞爪唱著“Get Some”,熱鬧過後的空虛更顯沉重;幸好“I Follow Rivers”帶來新鮮空氣,復古摩登的打擊樂器,穿插合成電子音色,團團包圍Lykke Li慵懶的聲嗓,堪稱專輯中最流行的曲調。

“Love Out of Lust”無疑是專輯最大亮點,空靈重拍點綴著迷離的電氣,搭配如詩的歌詞,既小品又Epic,標記著Lykke Li對純愛的嚮往。“Sadness is a Blessing”則是私密的少女日記,把悲傷當作祝福,當成珍珠,又甚或當成自己的男友,自艾自憐地讓人心疼。“Unrequited Love”回歸簡單的吉他與人聲,Lykke Li略帶菸嗓的吟唱卻教人感嘆從前的甜美嗓音已成追憶。“I Know Places”曲末接上一段電吉他的Outro,拉開像公路電影般的ambient格局。

陰鬱的氛圍在專輯尾聲到達最高點,“Silent My Song”的肅殺之氣根本像是出自Fever Ray之口......Lykke Li妳還是適可而止吧

可能是今年最愛的Music Video - "Get Some"

"I Follow Rivers"