Hang With Me
2011年7月28日 星期四
Robyn Live at LoveBox!
Hang With Me
Beth Ditto Live
2011年7月27日 星期三
Robyn - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall (Coldplay Cover)
2011年7月26日 星期二
In memory of Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse 走了以後,facebook上突然冒出一堆“緬懷”她的“fans”,清一色不是轉貼“Rehab”的音樂錄影帶,就是感嘆她酗酒嗑藥自毀前程,看得我滿腹不是滋味,Amy Winehouse若看到這些留言,想必甚麼Motherfxxxxx都罵出口來…
Amy Winehouse當然不只等同於“Rehab”或“Back To Black”這張唱片,“Back to Black”儘管拿下了17國排行冠軍與5座Grammy,但論及音樂性或是唱功,我覺得她的首張專輯都來得更渾然天成,這張名為“Frank”的唱片,不只名符其實相當坦白,有些歌詞甚至可說賤的可以。
“Stronger Than Me”開場就罵起了她那沒有用的男友,“Always have to comfort you everyday./ But that’s what I need you to do./ Are you gay?”不假修飾的直率讓人真覺可愛;話鋒一轉,“Fuck Me Pumps”又酸起夜店裡的女生,“You can't sit down right/ Cuz your jeans are too tight/And you’re lucky its ladies' night./ With your big empty purse,/ Every week it gets worse,/ At least your breasts cost more than hers.”歌詞賤地讓人發噱…
拿開歌詞本,Amy Winehouse在首張專輯裡的vocal表現也是一大亮點。白人唱Jazz唱Soul的很多,但能信手拈來,且黑的渾然天成的,除了Amy Winehouse沒有幾個。“You Sent Me Flying”歌詞提及的Erykah Badu顯然是Amy靈騷音樂的啟發,雖然與 “Baduizm”的Neo-Soul曲風路數不同,但專輯中很多中低音確實都讓我聯想到了Erykah Badu。取樣了Nas “Made You Look”的“In My Bed”應當是全輯最黑的曲目,狠勁十足的Hip-hop節奏之下卻鋪陳了非常Jazzy的instruments與adlibs,曲末有如女神一般的飆唱堪稱絕美。
專輯倒數第2首的“Help Youself”是我很喜歡的一首,jazzy的R&B節奏帶著一抹Bassa Nova的愜意。“I can’t help you, If you don’t help yourself”現在聽來也許有些諷刺,但也許這是Amy Winehouse自己想要的結束方式…她走的突然,對我而言卻不留遺憾,因為在我心目中她早已留下timeless的經典。
[Flashback] Amy Winehouse/ Fuck Me Pumps
Fuck Me Pumps
When you walk in the bar,當你走進酒吧
And you dressed like a star,穿的像個明星
Rockin' your F- me pumps.晃著那雙說著"上我吧"的高跟鞋
And the men notice you,男人們注意到你
With your Gucci bag crew,還有你那群背著Gucci的姊妹
Can't tell who he's lookin' to.分不清他看的究竟是誰
Cuz you all look the same,因為看起來都差不多
Everyone knows your name,大家都知道你們的名字
And that's you whole claim to fame.這也是你們追求的名氣
Never miss a night,從不放過每一個夜晚
Cuz your dream in life,因為你人生的夢想
Is to be a footballer's wife.就是當個足球明星的太太
You don't like players,你不愛花花公子
That's what you say-a,這可是你說的
But you really wouldn't mind a millionaire.但若是百萬富翁就無所謂
You don't like ballers,你不愛大人物
They don't do nothing for ya,他們什麼也不願意做
But you'd love a rich man six foot two or taller.卻愛上身高200公分的有錢人
You're more than a fan,你比粉絲還要期待
Lookin' for a man,想找個另一半
But you end up with one-nights-stands.卻總陷入一夜情
He could be your whole life,他可能會是你的人生伴侶
If you got past one night,如果能撐過一夜之後
But that part never goes right.但情節從來不是那麼演的
In the morning you're vexed,隔天早上你就出局
He's onto the next,而他繼續尋找下一位
And you didn't even get no taste.因為你食之無味
Don't be too upset,別動肝火
If they call you a skank,如果他們說你濫貨
Cuz like the news everyday you get pressed.就像新聞一樣你每天都這樣被報導
You don't like players,你不愛花花公子
That's what you say-a,這可是你說的
But you really wouldn't mind a millionaire.但若是百萬富翁就無所謂
You don't like ballers,你不愛大人物
They don't do nothing for ya,他們什麼都不為你做
But you'd love a rich man six foot two or taller.卻愛上身高六呎二的有錢人
You can't sit down right,怎麼坐也不舒服
Cuz you jeans are too tight,因為你牛仔褲緊到不行
And your lucky its ladies night.幸好今天是女性之夜
With your big empty purse,晃著你空空的皮包
Every week it gets worse,每過一個禮拜就更空
At least your breasts cost more than hers.不過至少你的胸部做的比她昂貴
So you did Miami,你去了邁阿密
Cuz you got there for free,因為去那裡不用花錢
But somehow you missed the plane.卻莫名其妙錯過了飛機
You did too much E,你吃太多E
Met somebody,遇到個某人
And spent the night getting cane.卻整晚都要人扶
Without girls like you,沒有你們這種女生
There'd be no fun,就沒有樂趣
We'd go to the club and not see anyone.我們上夜店就沒看頭
Without girls like you,沒有你們這種女生
There's no nightlife,就沒有夜生活
All those just go home to their wives.那些人只好回家陪老婆
Don't be mad at me,別對我發火
Cuz your brushing thirty,因為轉眼三十
And your old tricks no longer work.你的老招就不再有效
You should have known from the job,你的經驗早該知道
That you always get dumped,你總是被甩
So dust off your fuck me pumps.不如先甩掉那雙說著"上我吧!"的高跟鞋吧!